
Archive for October, 2012

Choo choo!

Thanksgiving will be another special one this year. My family will be in town to celebrate our little turkey, who was born on Turkey Day last year. True to form, I began planning weeks ago. Finding inspiration in home design magazines, I have been determined to transform our living room into a spread right out of Traditional Home. I want inviting little pumpkins on side tables and vases bursting with mums on the mantel, and of course gourds everywhere.

But before I can get to the decorating, I must start with a clean slate. This means dusting along base boards, behind books, and in between all the places that may not have been cleaned since last November.


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Since Jack learned to crawl nearly three months ago, our lives have been very different. Before he became mobile, I could build blocks and read Pat the Bunny with him. Then, I could sit back and read a novel, or at least a paragraph in a novel, and write, or at least a few sentences in a journal.

Now that he requires more careful watching, more is demanded of us, especially of me as a stay-at-home mom. The advantage is that as Jack develops into the wonderful little guy God has created him to be, he interacts with me more, and I witness his personality come into being. When my husband comes home at the end of the day, he is excited to hear the daily play-by-play.

The disadvantage is the personal sacrifice. Me time is relegated to Jack’s nap time and an hour or so in the evening―not much time to finish a novel, take a ballet class, do an at-home facial, watch Modern Family, organize closets, and do whatever it was I did before baby.


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